How to listen to music at the same time on Spotify?

Spotify is a big music app that has lots of songs. It also adds new things to make using it better..

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How to listen to music at the same time on Spotify?

Spotify is a big music app that has lots of songs. It also adds new things to make using it better. One of these new things is called Group Session. This lets friends or couples listen to music together in real time.

What's Group Session on Spotify?

Group Session on Spotify is a fun way to listen to music with friends or a partner. You can all listen and control the music on different devices at the same time. It's great for sharing your favorite songs, albums, or playlists and having a special music time together.

How to make and join a Group Session on Spotify:

Making a group session:

  1. Open Spotify on your phone or computer.
  2. Pick the song, album, or playlist you want to hear.
  3. Tap the Available devices button at the bottom.
  4. Choose Group Session from the choices.
  5. Share the link that comes up with your friends to invite them.

Joining a group session:

  • 1. Open the link your friend sent you.
  • 2. Tap the Join Group Session button.
  • 3. Say Yes to join.
  • 4. Now you can enjoy music with your friends.

Things You Must Know

Remember, everyone who wants to join needs a special subscription called premium. Also, you all need good Internet to listen together at the same time.

One more thing to remember is that everyone in the group can change the music. So, if someone picks a new song, everyone hears the same thing.

Spotify's Group Session is a cool way to listen to music with friends or a partner. It costs money, but it's really fun to listen to music together. Give it a try and enjoy music with your friends and family!